Our Wishlist


General Supplies

Large containers of anti-bacterial soap
Large quantities of Advantage, Frontline or Biospot for dogs, cats & kittens
Puppy & kitten formula with bottles
Flea shampoo & Shampoos for dogs with dermatologic problems
Dog and cat dishes
Q-tips & cotton balls
Clothes washing detergent
Plastic garbage bags (large)
Large quantities of fly traps
Paper towels & toilet paper in bulk
Large quantities of kitty litter
Boric acid
Baking Soda
Large water tubs – horse troughs
Brooms / Buckets / Brushes / Cleaning Supplies
Old sheets, pillow cases, towels, blankets & washable rugs
Hoses & nozzles.

Medical Supplies
– IV tubing
– Lactated ringers
– Liquid Albon, 5%
– Feline Leukemia Tests
– Drontal Tablets for dogs (or other de-wormers)
– Injectable Ivomec
– Antibiotics (all types)
Boxes of surgical gloves (both sterile & non-sterile)
Hydrogen peroxide
Anti-bacterial salves/ointments
Betadine & Iodine
Isopropyl alcohol.
Sterile gauze & dressing

Building Supplies
Tarps (especially needed for the winter)
Chain link fence & posts
Concrete mix
Metal or plastic outdoor storage sheds
Solar lighting
Roofing materials

How can I get supplies to the Baja Animal Sanctuary?

We would love to have you drive down and visit us! However, if that’s not possible please contact Maureen Quinn at (858) 569-0975 or email her at [email protected] to arrange a pick-up time.

Contact Us ! Click HERE

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